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How to edit a text field on my upsells?
How to edit a text field on my upsells?
Updated over a week ago

With the new Translations tab, you can change any message in the upsell UI. Simply go to your Vanga AI dashboard, then navigate to Translations, and you will see all the fields in each upsell type - cart, post-purchase, and Thank You page.

Cart page

Simply edit the field message you want to have and click Save. The change will immediately take effect and you will see it on your storefront:

Post-purchase upsells

You can change the messaging all around the post-purchase upsell page. The scarcity message on top, the product detail messages, the View product info button, and more.

There’s only one exception. You cannot edit the messages on the Pay now and Decline offer buttons, since the copy there must be as it it, based on the Shopify rules.

Thank You page upsells

Apply your own tone of voice to the messages on your upsells. You know how your customers prefer to be spoken to, use the new Translations tab to speak their language.

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